Friday, January 27, 2012

The American Principles Project Palmetto Freedom Forum : live on CNN all candidates will talk!?

Bachmann is actually talking ... why those she talk that way? like American's are a 4 year old audience ?

cant wait for paul!The American Principles Project Palmetto Freedom Forum : live on CNN all candidates will talk!?
i bet she says "lets make barak obama a ONE%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;TERM%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;PRESIDENT soon. she's a joke.

edit: that would be a great drinking game!The American Principles Project Palmetto Freedom Forum : live on CNN all candidates will talk!?
i'll be tuning in.

p.s. why is it whenever i see the word palmetto i think the word pimento?The American Principles Project Palmetto Freedom Forum : live on CNN all candidates will talk!?
Why those she talk that way..typo?

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