Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Did you hear about how Barack Obama contradicted himself on CNN's "Larry King Live" ?

HERE's a verbatim extract from CNN's transcript of Larry King Live with Barack Obama from March 19th:

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) OBAMA: And if George Bush doesn't listen, then we're going to make him listen because it's time for us to bring our young people home.




GEORGE BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It can be tempting to look at the challenges in Iraq and conclude our best option is to pack up and go home. That may be satisfying in the short run, but I believe the consequences for American security would be devastating.


KING: Senator Obama, you disagree with that. He says it would be devastating to leave now. You say no.

Why not?

OBAMA: Well, first of all, I don't know anybody who's been talking about packing up and going home.



.Did you hear about how Barack Obama contradicted himself on CNN's "Larry King Live" ?
Barack Obama has been doing a lot of that lately. I read a headline about 3 weeks ago where Mr. Obama said that he wanted to lead the way to get rid of the divisive politics in the USA and bring the country together. Since then he has stated on several occasions how he is outraged about this and upset about that concerning President Bush. Typical Lib. He's no different than the rest of them. They say one thing and immediately do another. If he wanted to "bring the country together" he would get behind President Bush instead of attacking him at every turn.
Lol....Thats what dems do best. Live for the moment, right?? Of course, its whatever moment makes Bush look bad. Just like Hillary; For the war.....against the war......For the war......Against the war........and so on and so on.......Did you hear about how Barack Obama contradicted himself on CNN's "Larry King Live" ?
I was going to show you all the contradictions of Bush and his cronies, but didn't have enough room here.Did you hear about how Barack Obama contradicted himself on CNN's "Larry King Live" ?
Interesting, I have not seen these, but no surprises here. In fact I would be surprised to see a democrat take and keep a solid stance on anything in support of this nation.
Heres alot of the script and videos
I hope he keeps talking like that and his mouth will be stretched out enough to take both of his feet at one time.

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