Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Any one watching Larry King Live on CNN about Trans People?

If so what is your opinion?Any one watching Larry King Live on CNN about Trans People?
I just finished watching the video.

My biggest beef is they never explained the term "transgender". And then without that explanation they threw Stu the cross-dresser out there and confused people even more. Somebody should have explained in more detail that "transgender" is an umbrella term that applies to many DIFFERENT groups. Groups that have little or nothing to do with each other. Because they didn't really define anything I think the general public is probably still just as confused as before.
Out here in the pacific time zone the show is on three hour after the east coast so I was not able to answer the question. But I agree with Radgal, and I just wanted to reach into the TV and ***** slap that guy who was standing in for Larry and Ryan's mother, for continually calling Ryan she and her

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Any one watching Larry King Live on CNN about Trans People?
I was. I liked that they are doing a show about trans-gender people.

I turned because it got a little boring for me. I already knew, from being on here in the past, most of the stuff that they were saying.

But still, Bravo for CNN for doing a show about trans gender people. They are very misunderstood, and I hope a lot of people watch it so that they can understand them a little better.Any one watching Larry King Live on CNN about Trans People?
Hmm..no. I just got home, so I missed it. I can probably find it on cnn.com though.

I'm glad that real information about trans people is getting into the media though, and that the idea that all we are are some kind of perverted sexual freaks is slowly being shown to NOT be true, and that transsexualism is a REAL thing, and not just some sexual fetish deviancy thing.

Yay for whoever tried to correct them about there being a difference between sexual orientation and gender.
I watched it. I thought it was a good attempt, however, it could have been more informative. It was rather confusing, what with the back-and-forths between all the 'panelists'.

The host, too, seemed like he was flirting around, not exactly sure what to say.

I commend CNN and Larry King for bringing up the subject, though.

Speaking of this, do you know the name of Larry's fill-in? I know I've seen him before, somewhere, but I can't seem to recall his name...
I am now.

Pretty interesting.

I've seen Isis King somewhere before. She's really pretty.
i thought he died!
no, but i heard it was pretty good.
nope wish i could tho
I missed out too... but on his webpage there is a poll right now on if you know a trans person... Only 22% of people know someone who is trans apparently... which is bull I think. They just don't know they know someone who is trans.

Everyone go vote to bump it up! You all know me! :P


*E* - I stayed up and watched some of the midnight repeat... it was an alright show.. but you could see how the 15 year old Ryan was mighty uncomfortable because his mother and the host kept "sheing" him when talking about him in the past... totally not cool. Actually that was what made me turn it off because I have an aunt who thinks that's okay to do when talking about me in the past... even though I was always a guy... grr!

It was nice to see Isis again, and for her to not back down on how she identifies herself as female rather than as trans. I hold a lot of respect for her, she shows you don't need to wear the trans label to be helpful in de-mystifying trans people.

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